IKAGAI- The Japanese secret to long and happy life


IKAGAI  means reason or purpose of living. IKAGAI is a Japanese word and in JAPAN everyone finds their Ikagai. There is a story about this that starts like there is a woman who is in a coma and she feels like she reached heaven. In heaven, she hears the voice of her ancestors asking her that "who are you?".She said that she is the wife of ... but again the same questions asked by them she again gave a reply that she is the mother of .. but again and again, the same question asked by her ancestors. At last, she said she is a woman who gets up early and works for her family, educates her children, and so on. After that, the voice stopped, and also she came out of a coma. This is basically a story of OKINAWA island. After that incident, she knows her Ikagai and follows it till her death. Also, the people of Japan follow the same. They find their Ikagai to live a happy and long life. According to data, people of Japan live more than in other countries and they just do not live long but they live a healthy and happy life.

They never retire or we can say they have no word i.e retire. They work till their body allows them to work.  

Ikagai means for the teen is finding a reason for being. So think about your childhood, when we were teens, we think about what we want to be in the future and what are the things we like and dislike. Now, plz refer the below diagram to find your Ikagai.

                                                                                                                                                                              So, for finding your Ikagai just focus on four things:- 
1:What do you love?
2: What world need?
3: What you are great at?
4: What you can get paid for?

Now , we conclude the things we learn from the book " IKAGAI" which are the key to happy and long life are:-

1. Stay active, do not retire.
2. Take it slow.
3. Don't fill your stomach.
4. Surround yourself with good people.
5. Get in shape.
7. Reconnect with nature.
8. Give thanks.
9. Live in the moment.
10. Follow your Ikagai.


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