What I did in B.Tech 1st year...

From today, I can say myself sophomore as our last exam of 1st year is over now. I still remember, my first day [18-07-19] at GLBITM Greater Noida when I came here with my father for taking admission and settle on the campus. That day was full of excitement and tiring too. On 05-08-2019 my first college day and day by day I have made lots of good friends 100+ (approx) which also includes some seniors. All of my friends are very motivating and supportive in my life.

This year I learned many things from making ED sheets to doing workshops . I still remember when I first print “ Hello, World ”    [24-10-19]. Although it was late for me to learn C language though I enjoyed learning this. Later I started to learn basic full stack Web development and I keep practicing this to learn more. Till now I learn C++ Programming language from online videos like code with harry and w3 schools also sometimes from geekforgeeks.

This is my fest which we the B.tech 1st year student attend because my college never allowed 1st year to attend any fest .I still remember that on this day we dance and enjoy with stranger but in some hour we all became very good friends

[27-10-19] On this day I celebrated Diwali with my friends and seniors in college. Well, I was much involved in decorating rangoli in my hostel. And it was fabulous! and everyone going to their home for celebrating diwali except me and some seniors but i enjoyed the most.

On this day we all are going to present our presentation of our innovative ideas .This is a part of  induction program of college and after listening and observing their ideas i feel that i have to improve more because everyone take their ideas at level 3 and i have only ideas nothing else .So after that i improve and take my ideas at level 3 for presenting in next hackathon .I also present my ideas in model club of BIT, SINDRI. 

[30-10-2019] On this day i visit IIT DELHI CAMPUS because i am in KATALYST PROGRAM and i go there for taking induction programs and get to know some IITians professor .Also ,this KATALYST program is for girls only and it is very good platform to learn different things and explore different things and learn everything practically .This program provides us mentor who help us in our personal and professional life and teach us how to deal with situations and all.Here are some photos of KATALYST outbound and activity we perform :-

In this photos we are making KATALYST and i am part of T and also we perform various activities here like various logical games and all and enjoy the most.

Apart from all this, I like photography as a hobby () I don’t have a camera :( ) and I started to write Quotes and Poems in the evening daily. Later I found myself much involved in these activities which were not strengthening my SGPA. So I started to focus more on studies rather in club involvement.

Later due to coronavirus, my rest semester became online.

I found this year very productive from my past years and I am highly motivated for doing good in further coming precious years.

What I am unable to do:--

  1. Good SGPA as like studious student i.e 9.5+ SGPA.
  2. Competitive Programming.
  3. To start playing football and basketball.
  4. Haven’t applied for any internship.

At last, I would like to conclude this one of my favorite quotes by Mark Twain American writer and humorist 

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore, Dream, Discover.”

Mark Twain American writer and humorist 

Thanks, readers for spending your valuable time here!!



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