BULLYING:-The facts we are not aware of

                     Not all scars are visible, not all wounds heal!!                     #stop bullying                                         

Bullying :It is use of force ,or threat ,to abuse, screaming someone and insulting someone etc. It is also a type of harassment. Harassing someone for their sexual appearance, embarrassing someone in public, using someone and their emotions for own benefits and blaming someone for the things that aren't their fault.

      What if I told you suicide was the leading cause of death among young people ?What if I told you over fifty percent of young people experience bullying at some point in their life? What if i told you about 1 in 5 young people has experienced bullying in the past month.

                                       Bullying is a behavior that harms or humiliates someone, either physically or emotionally and it happens anywhere while at school, in house an online on social media. 

image source- instagram,  by mrbeardman593
                      "They called me names because of the color of my skin."

                                                               ---5th grade girl

                "Even though I knew what he said wasn't true, it killed me inside."

                           --4th graded girl   

There are various way  people get bullied. Collective bullying is known as mobbing, and can include any of the individual types of bullying. Collective bullying are employed by more than one individual against someone. Trolling behavior on social media, provoked someone for their religion ,caste ,sex, and make fun of someone , spreading rumors or lying about someone etc.  that all are bullying someone. 


Bullying are of various type :- Non verbal, Verbal, Physical behavior, relational bullying, cyberbullying.

Physical ,verbal and relational bullying are most happens in primary school .Cyberbullying is more recent phenomenon and it most seen on social media i.e. harassing someone on social media or  embarrassing someone ,or making bad comment on someone look ,way to speak, or their  economic status.

                                                  image source-google, by- David Ward

Physical Bullying
Physical  bullying is any bullying that hurts someone's body ,hitting  ,fighting, destroying  and stealing someone's property .In physical bullying the main weapon the bully uses is his/her
body and some private part when attacking to target .We all most experience with this when we are in our teenage. Sometime we feel that some teacher also used to bully us for our less marks and some classmates tease us by calling different name and if you raise your voice against it they are collectively bullying and after finding you weak they try to hurt you by hitting you, beating you or may be giving you some dangerous work to do.  
image source-google, by David Ward

Verbal Bullying  
In verbal bullying the bully main weapon is voice. Girls are more likely to perform verbal  bullying . Girls uses verbal bullying, as well as social exclusion technique to show their superiority. Raising your voice to prove oneself  superior or howling own someone is also verbal bullying. Some of more verbal bullying are :- 
- Laughing at someone
- making insults making fun of someone 
- provoke someone for their caste , religion and gender to make oneself superior.
-they use different nametag to bully you like gay, lesbian, transgender and spread fake rumors about you.  
image source-google, by David Ward

Cyber bullying
  Cyber bullying  is now very common for bully to harrass  someone by using technology and social media. Cyber bullying is mainly happen through email, text message . Also ,people use bad comments and tease you on social media and spreading rumors about someone.  Also people use personal information harrass someone like upload their videos and uploading their photos with vulgur editing .Cyber bullying maximum faces by girls from their boyfriend , colleagues to harass her. We saw now-a-day many people are in depression and faces mental issues .It is all mainly case of bully in different way and harassed in different way .
image source-google , by-motivation.media
image source-google ,by-tweaklibrary.com
If your close one is being bullied they may show these signs:-

-Threatening to hurt or kill oneself or talking about wanting to hurt or kill oneself.
-feeling hopeless
-Withdrawing from friends, family, and society
-feeling rage or uncontrolled anger or seeking revenge.

How to help your close one from this mental issues(bullying)

-People who are bullied think that they're not understood. Please listen to them and make them to feel that you are always their to support his/her.
-Try to make him/her to think positive and either ignore the people words or fight for oneself ,but never lose hope .Try to convince them that no-one is perfect in this world and you have to be proud for that and never feel shame and embarrassing .
Image source-Facebook , by anti-cyber Bullying Act 2708

                                             image source-Pinterest ,image by-David ward

How to prevent or stop bullying 

-We suggest that you first make a formal online complaint on www.cybercrime.gov.in. and also contact CYBER B.A.A.P.(Cyber bullying awareness ,action & prevention)
-if you suspect that incident has taken place at school then inform your school counselor or teachers and you must also keep your parents informed.
-most important things is that please never used to bully anyone because your one action can take someone in mental trauma and may be your one action can take someone life. Don't be foolish ever to bully someone and  try spread awareness about bullying and let's make a challenges to ownself  an promise to ourself that we have to stop bullying.

image source-google , by cyberB.A.A.P
image source-google,by-Uvalde CSID
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                                             image source-google, by-Uvalde CSID

CONCLUSION:-Mental health is an issue that nobody talks about much!! whereas we need to talk more about it to make people aware of it, to make them feel that they are not alone and to make them feel better because at the end of the day we don't know their struggles nor do we know what and why are they suffering. Sometimes just a call or a msg is enough to check up on your loved ones .There has been a lot on in the past many people lose their loved one and many people o suicide and all .Please keep in touch with your loved ones always and make them comfortable.

                                 Thank you all of you to giving your precious time .😍


Rohan Mishra said…
So informative πŸ‘πŸ‘
Unknown said…
Must read for every individual πŸ‘
Unknown said…
U picked up one of the most important and serious topic and nice content♥️πŸ™Œ
Fact Hub said…
100% unique content .
Keep it up ❤
CodeXpres said…
Unknown said…
I think the information given here are genuine but also important for every individual to know about it . Directly or indirectly most of the people are part of it . I learned some new things ...Thank you ✨
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Surbhi said…
I think that every person should kknow about this topic for the sake of our mental health not only for oneself but for others also.I must say that you have covered all the relevant points to create awareness about this thing which is faced by alomst evryone at some phase of their life...Well done brooo.... Keep it up....😊
Pallavi said…
Nice contentπŸ‘Œ.... Keep it up dudeπŸ‘πŸ˜Š

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