
What I did in B.Tech 1st year...

From today, I can say myself sophomore as our last exam of 1st year is over now. I still remember, my first day [18-07-19] at GLBITM Greater Noida when I came here with my father for taking admission and settle on the campus. That day was full of excitement and tiring too. On 05-08-2019 my first college day and day by day I have made lots of good friends 100+ (approx) which also includes some seniors. All of my friends are very motivating and supportive in my life. This year I learned many things from making ED sheets to doing workshops . I still remember when I first print “ Hello, World ”     [24-10-19]. Although it was late for me to learn C language though I enjoyed learning this. Later I started to learn basic full stack Web development and I keep practicing this to learn more. Till now I learn C++ Programming language from online videos like code with harry and w3 schools also sometimes from geekforgeeks. This is my fest which we the 1st year student attend because my coll

BULLYING:-The facts we are not aware of

                      Not all scars are visible, not all wounds heal!!                     #stop bullying                                          Bullying : I t is use of force ,or threat ,to abuse, screaming someone and insulting someone etc. It is also a type of harassment. Harassing someone for their sexual appearance, embarrassing someone in public, using someone and their emotions for own benefits and blaming someone for the things that aren't their fault.       What if I told you suicide was the leading cause of death among young people ? What if I told you over fifty percent of young people experience bullying at some point in their life? What if i told you about 1 in 5 young people has experienced bullying in the past month.                                         Bullying is a behavior that harms or humiliates someone, either physically or emotionally and it happens anywhere while at school, in house an online on social media.    image source- instagram,  by mrbeardman59